Travel Together |

Travel Together

Hello, my name is Ilya. I’m from the red clan — Green shadows. Я буду вашим проводником through our second day in MMC.
We woke up very early, cleaned our rooms and did morning exercises. Breakfast was so tasty! На самом деле, all the food here is delicious и всегда хочется всё попробовать.
Then our lessons started. We had sport with our counselor Egor. У нас были командные соревнования — it was fun!
Во время English lesson we talked about traveling and places. We learned a lot of new words.
In workshop мы начали делать наш проект: we planted tomato seeds and подвеску-макрамэ. It was difficult, но I want to доделать.
For the evening we were creating a performance about trip to Dublin. We tried our best but it was our first time on the stage. I think it will be better next time:)
Also we created an animal of our team! We draw it all together and придумали ему имя, используя the first letters of our names. Now it’s our talisman.
И как только мы легли в кровати — everyone fall asleep. We need to «recharge our batteries» for the next day!
Чуприненко Илья, 10 лет, Сергиев Посад


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