The Best Dish |

The Best Dish

Hello everyone!

My name is Liza. I would like to tell you about our day. In the morning we had warm-up, tidying up, squad time, breakfast. During our squad time we learnt the new word, saying and tongue-twister and the theme of the day, also we’ve discussed our evening performance. Then we had activities such as sport, workshop and English. In the sport lesson we played volleyball. In English we got our results of pre-testing, I am a little bit upset because we didn’t have enough time to complete all of the tasks. Also today during the nap-time we had an opportunity to watch “It”. 

Later we had stations at option. We could go to station with different English games, Zumba, workshop or knife throwing station. In the workshop we could make props for our performance. I decided to visit English station, we played “Uno”, “When I dream” – the second game is a bit difficult, but at the same moment it is very interesting.

Then we had our rehearsals. The theme of the performance is “The best dish”. Our idea was about MMC cooks who were ill and Rostov room tried to solve this problem. They used a special “dish-samobranka”. It was really funny! We got the second place, but we think that its okay. Also we had candlelight, I really like it and I like the atmosphere that we have in our team.

Liza Zubkova, 17 y.o., Severodvinsk



Red squad

Blue squad

Green squad

Yellow squad



2 комментария к “The Best Dish”

  1. Оксана

    Отличные фильмы!!! Молодцы!!!! Очень интересно!

  2. Антонина

    Ооо, прекрасные претенденты на «Оскар»!!! Режиссура, актерский состав — вообще все молодцы!!!

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