“My productive day” |

“My productive day”

Hello, my name is Anton. I am from the green team. And I want to tell you something about yesterday. That day was really great. We woke up at 8 o’clock and went to our daily warm up. Then we have our lessons. English lesson was interesting. We learnt how to write essays for our exams. We also made tic-tac-toes on the lesson of work shop and we were playing table tennis on the sports lesson.
Then for dinner we had delicious cream soup.
But the main attraction of yesterday was the game “Seven Sense”. We used to show our abilities in different situations. For example to make a house from cards. It was really cool and funny. Then we had evening snack and went to beds.
I like being in this camp,every day is special
Ok, that’s all. Thank you for reading.
Anton Troitskiy. Yaroslavl. 15 years old. Green squad.


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