Friday the 13th |

Friday the 13th

Hello, my name is Kirin, I’m from Yellow Squad. 

Today was Friday the 13th, so our team needed to make a spooky performance on the theme of “Ecology”. We liked the idea of the performance and began to write the script. We had a lot of ideas but decided to choose only one. We didn’t have enough time to finish the script during our Squad Time and went to have a Sport Lesson. After Sport we had lunch and then nap time. We were willing to continue writing the script during nap time.

After nap time we had another Squad Time where we started to rehearse our performance and made our costumes.

During the performance we were nervous and because of this some members of our team forgot their lines. In the end we got 4th place, but I am not upset about it. 

I liked this day because I like unusual and hard missions. I want to have even more different interesting tasks in the future!

Popov Kirill, 13, Zhukovsky


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