“Loloshka squad” |

“Loloshka squad”

Today was a really great day! As you know in our Ramville happens something terrible! A CRIME! And our Agencies should solve this case. Читать далее…

That’s why in the morning we have different activities which help us with our problem. During agencies work we have learnt new words, tongue twister and saying of the day. It was great, and it contacted with sport and detective theme. In English we got a lot of new information. In workshop we made a really beautiful Dreamcatchers which can help us sleep well. During sport we play floorball with the whole team. Today we also had a press conference where we can find out more about our foreign friends. And also we asked a lot of interesting questions to them. Neks, Lorenz and Katie tried to answer.

And sometimes there were some serious questions. In the evening our team “Loloshka squad” took part in sport festival. There were different tasks like running with a spoon and candle on it. Sometimes it was difficult but I really like this event. Everything was so cool. But we only achieved the second place. And when we went to bed, the weather was like in winter. There was a lot of snow. Maybe tomorrow we can play snowballs. But today was very good day. Yellow team, let’s go!

Понская Милана, 10 лет, Сергеев-Посад, yellow team


2 комментария к ““Loloshka squad””

  1. Любовь Болотская

    У нас в Москве первый снег, ветер уносит домик Элли и Татошки! Люди в Москве ходят в полусогнутом состоянии, прячась под зонт из-за мокрых осадков! Пишу это потому что в ММЦ лучше! Фото говорят сами за себя! Жека привет! Твои мы!

  2. Добрый день! Это точно, внешняя погода не мешает нам получать удовольствие от программы и общения!) Спасибо, что следите за нашими новостями! Have a good time, не мерзните! 😉

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