Let it snow! |

Let it snow!

Today we woke up and saw a wonderful white snow and it was absolutely everywhere. We had time to play snowballs and of course we tried to make snow angels. It feels like winter!  Читать далее…
After that we immediately went to the morning warm up. Then we had a delicious breakfast. During the group time, we chose the leader of the day and discussed a plan for the day. Then our lessons started. As I told you before, the first snow fell on the street so we decided to have a sport lesson inside (namely, darts). After we had an English lesson, we played the murder investigation on it. We really liked it and we were able to figure out the killer. At the workshop, we made badges in the shape of bats, I really liked doing it, because all of our workshop crafts are very cool. After that, we as usual had a very tasty lunch. When the nap time ended up, we had a group time. Our counselors told us about history of Halloween, Halloween costumes and etc. At the stations at options we had a foosball tournament. Then came the long-awaited moment of the day: carving pumpkins. I really liked it. We cut the most beautiful pumpkin. After dinner, we had the big game “Guess the tune”. Our team (Red Agency) won.
The day was full of interesting events that I will remember after the session!
Alisa Gaeva, 16 years old, Kostroma.


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