Last session as a participant |

Last session as a participant

I’m for the forth time here and I’m really in love with this place! 
Each year MMC gives us unique atmosphere, every day is different and interesting. And being helper in all of this is amazing… Being a part of every event is such a great experience. Sometimes it’s very hard, but hard doesn’t mean bad. Participating in each event is very funny. Like traffic light changes colours , helpers change their roles, because each day differs from others. This summer we’re traveling through time, so every day is a new age. I’m very lucky, that I’m in the red carriage, that I have such team and attendants. 

Well, yesterday was a hard day go all of us. We had to prepare funny performance and make the person on the stage laugh. Can you believe, that we made a performance in 10 minutes?! Yeah, sometimes we can be rude to each other, but when we’re working together… Hold your hats, because our work can be extremely mindblowing. 

The food is brilliant actually… Special thanks to all cookers).

Looking forward to come here as a volunteer next year!

Saveliy Chernyakov, Red Carriage


Hello everyone! I’m Richard and originally from the Isle of Man in the UK. I’m currently living in Krasnodar, working as a Trainer and Head English teacher for students aged 13-18 at the football academy. My previous years at MMC, I worked as a Native English teacher. Due to uncertain free time availability this year I’ve been lucky to work as a counsellor for the Red Carriage. This is my second time counselling in IYC and I’v been enjoying this new experience as it gives me more time to interact with the students from all carriages and build a stronger friendship with my students in red carriage. I like this change of role as I’ve been able to join in with different activities including sport and workshop which as a teacher, I never got to experience in such a way previously. Students have a fantastic place here to meet highly knowledgeable and kind Russian staff and interact and practice speaking English with native speakers. My Russian speaking isn’t perfect so it’s great listening to the kids communicating with me in English and if they struggle with words, get them to describe it or use the Russian variation so I can give them the English alternatives.

Working with Red Carriage has been an amazing experience for me as they are keen to communicate in English and the students have been learning English humor and jokes which is nice seeing them using around the camp. I have really enjoyed working with Alena who is the other councellor for the Red carriage. As head councillorI, she has been a fantastic tutor and mentor for me over the last 2 sessions. I brought a mascot with me which the leader carries around for all the activities called «Buch» that never leaves their sides. Working with Russian staff has been pleasant and it’s been fantastic meeting old but also making new friends.

It’s been a strange feeling knowing I was their teacher last year and now I’m able participate in all their daily activities and events. It’s been an honor to have had the chance to come here once again, having the chance to witness first hand each year how the personal traits and level of English knowledge has increased. MMC is a special place for everyone involved.

Richard Elisson


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