Fraternity of the blue power |

Fraternity of the blue power

Hello everyone! My name is Ann. I am from Moscow. It’s my 3rd time being in MMC. Today I wanna share with you my experience participating in one appealing event. We had an amazing day preparing to our performance. It was extremely exciting to work with our fraternal team. We felt like we were one big family together. Our team was supposed to present the idea of its name. For me the best part wasn’t only acting on the stage, I also was really fond of creating a script and thinking about a plot. Of course we had a bunch of doubts and various opinions, but we managed to plow through all the obstacles on the way and created an awesome performance. Guys in our group are artistic, unique and so creative! It was very satisfying to work in one team with such talented boys and girls. At the end of the day our victory wasn’t surprising, as we worked really hard and painstakingly to gain great results 🙃

Ann Chernyshova, Blue power


1 комментарий к “Fraternity of the blue power”

  1. Ольга

    Очень рады, что ребята весело, задорно и с пользой проводят лето! Большое спасибо всем педагогам, помощникам и организаторам, что вкладываете столько сил, времени и душевной теплоты в свой труд!

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