The beginning of our winter session! |

The beginning of our winter session!

Hi, my name is Vika Abramyan and I`m from Yaroslavl. This is my second winter session in MMC camp.  Yesterday we came to MMC and start the session. I was very glad to see my friends from summer sessions. At first we arrived at the camp and unpacked our things. After that we had snack. It was tasty. Also yesterday we watched movie about session`s theme. It was interesting. In the evening we had figure skating. And now I`m going to tell you about today`s day. We woke up at 8 o`clock. Cleaned up our rooms, and went to the warm up. After warm up we had breakfast. For breakfast we had puncakes, they were very tasty. Our chiefs divided us on 3 different groups. I was in the first with my friend Luba. Our first lesson was figure skating.

Max(our sport instructor)  tought us how to кататься на коньках.After sport we had group time with Tanya and Nex. We played different games. This lesson gave us pleasure and happiness. And the 3rd  lesson was drama class. It was very interesting and funny.  For launch  we had very tasty food. Durning nap time, me and my friends were modernizing the main script. At our second big group time we were discussing the performance  and choosing roles. I got one of the main roles. After snack the 1st group went to ski station. We went to the park. Me and Luba rode two circles round the park. WEwere lauthing then one of us fell into the snow.  Then we came back, we had some free time to change our clothes before the dinner. For dinner we had plov and it was very tasty. After dinner my friends and I left to rooms to take сменная обувь. And our evening activity was guess the song. We were divided again in 3 teams. 

The name of my team was skibiditoilets. The rules oif this game were very simple. If the team guesses the sohg they get 1 point. And if they dance together they get 1 extrapoint. After evening event we had figure skating. So, in conclusion I want to say that this day was very interesting and full of funny moments. I love MMC very much.

Абрамян Виктория 


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