The Burning Legion |

The Burning Legion

Today was our first day in this camp. We had a lot of interesting events and activities. The main theme of this camp is Island of Tribes. I’m from Keepers of the flame tribe. We have very interesting name – The Burning Legion. Читать далее…

I hope that we will become a real team or even friends. This session is special for me because I’ve met my old friend Maxim. I haven’t seen him for 2 years. That’s why I was really glad to see him again. Our team is the smallest one, only 9 people. We have warm and good atmosphere. We have a lot of common interests.

Many of our chiefs and teachers are from United States of America and one Katie is from Great Britain. I think it’s a good opportunity to improve my english skills.

In the evening we had dance competition. There were a lot of active and unusual dances during this Wild Dance event. I enjoyed to be part of this contest. I hope we will be winners in this competitions and in others.

Anton Atroshenko, 16 years old.


Hello, my name is Jake and I am a counselor here at the English Plus camp. Today is June 11th, the first day of second session here at MMC and I am already enjoying my new group. I am one of the chiefs of the 1st tribe. We are the red tribe, named Keepers of the Flame, and we have the oldest kids and I’m hoping they will be more understanding of why they should learn English. I predict that since they are older than last session, they will be less shy to ask me questions about how to ask questions or come to me for help. I can’t wait get to learn each of them individually and learn about their personal interests and hobbies so I can better relate to them and talk with them in general. Here at camp we will have changing themes which will relate to our word, saying, and tongue-twister of the day. The theme of the day today is family and today we will make names and mottos for our tribes with a dance performance in the evening. I look forward to a very good two weeks with these news kids and I have high hopes for all of them and believe they will learn a lot and have a fun time.

Jake Greene: counselor of the1st tribe.


2 комментария к “The Burning Legion”

  1. Аноним

    Антон! Желаем вашей команде успехов, обнимаем. Родители. PS Афоня скучает.

  2. Картышева Варя

    Приветствуем команду » Земля — планета людей»! Рады новой встрече с вами! Игорь, ты не первый раз здесь. А в этом году — с другом. Вам обоим большой привет от всех из дома. Видим, как вы активно уже участвуете в играх, перфомансах, делаете зарядку. Желаем всем отличной погоды, хорошего настроения и творческих удач. Ждем ваших новостей здесь каждый день….

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