WWW??? |



Hi my name is Tim.I’m 12 years old.I’m live in Moscow. And today I want to tell you about the day in MMC. When we woke up we went to the morning warm up and then we cleaned our rooms. The breakfast was so tasty as usual. During first group time we learnt new word, saying and tongue twister. During English we had a test, it was not so difficult but I was worried a little bit about my results. On workshop we continued to make our project with nails and threads. 

Today we also played volleyball and it was cool. During squad time we played different games on team building. In nap time you can go see movie or go sleep.After nap time we had again the squad time and during this the storm started. It was scary and amazing at the same time. At stations at option we have always a choice. Today we had English games, karaoke, sport and mortal combat. And in the evening we played a smart game What? Where? When? There were difficult questions but we solved some of them. All in all the day was perfect. I like it.

Тимофей Волоцкой, 12 лет, Москва 


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