Tribes' stories |

Tribes’ stories

Hello!My name is Kate. Today I was a leader of the day. Наш день начался с того, что me and my friends вкусно позавтракали. На workshop lesson мы писали письма своим parents. Читать далее…

Мне очень понравилось, потому что я хочу, чтобы my parents узнали, как I live here. Потом был english lesson, на нем мы изучали Present Simple Tense. Мы описывали разные картинки на Еnglish language. После этого был Sport — rockclimbing,я смогла забраться два раза, но могла и больше, жаль,что lesson закончился. На tribe time мы придумали наше name и moto. We are the shamans! Еще на stations at option я делала картину из муки. А вечером мы показывали историю нашего tribe. Каждый отряд получил треугольник за свой perfomance.Я была happy. А в конце дня я опускала флаги вместе с другими leaders of the day.Мне понравился этот день, потому что было very interesting участвовать в представлении и funny.
Аксенова Катя, 9 лет, г. Кострома.


This is my first session at MMC and also my first time ever in Russia! I am a
camp counselor and our days here are packed full with different activities, lessons, and games. Coming to this camp, I had no idea what to expect but when I got here and learned more specifically about what we would be doing I couldn’t wait for the kids to arrive. I was so excited when we found out that new would have a story plot that would have to be fulfilled throughout the camp. The theme of this year is “Call of the Ancestors”. A story line was created and we renamed all of the different buildings and meeting areas around the camp to make it more fun and interesting for the kids! As soon as the music referred to as “the call of the ancestors” comes on, all of the kids are more than excited to run as fast as they can to the Heart of the Island for our common meeting. Of course coming up with games that follow the theme can be a fun and difficult challenge, but it is worth it when I get to see
how excited and happy the children are to play along with the theme and be apart of our tribe.
This camp is a very special place for not only immersing children in the English language, but also for emerging native English speakers into the Russian language. My knowledge of Russian speaking is only elementary and I don’t understand much, but all of the kids are eager to help me understand something when they don’t know how to say it in English. We will act things out and show many movements in order to make the other understand, which is something I find very important for them in learning new English words. As I strive to help teach the kids new words in English, they also want to help teach me new words in Russian. During lunch, we will point to things and translate them for each other! It is great practice for everyone to learn something new. Getting up early everyday with the kids is something I look forward to. We get to shake out all our tiredness during the morning warm up and prepare for the day of fun we
have ahead of us. Our team has already grown very close and it is amazing to see all of their creative minds working together and helping each other in everything from forming new sentences in English to making up performances in the evening.
Learning English is a fun thing here, it is not a stressful chore. The kids feel
comfortable enough here to ask questions and push through situations when they are having a difficult time. I have already seen so much growth in these kids and can’t wait to see what the rest of this session has in store.

Paige Archuleta, Counselor of the first group


1 комментарий к “Tribes’ stories”

  1. Анна Аксенова

    Катя Аксенова, ты супер!!! Мы рады, что тебе все очень нравится!!! Не забывай, что ты обещала заплетать себе косички? и кушать супчик!!!? Всем педагогам и вожатым огромное спасибо за позитив и интересные мероприятия!!!

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