The best recipe was found! |

The best recipe was found!

Hello everyone!

It’s my 2nd time here in MMC and it is absolutely great each year, because all days are full of emotions and new experience. Читать далее…

Today at our English lessons we have learned new “food” words, during the Forge cooked apple puffs and finished with Sport: handball and floorball. All of the activities were so interesting! During our House times we were preparing for the 1st performance “The best recipe for the King”. It was funny to come up with a script, we also worked as a team and were united. Our performance went as it had been planned. We didn’t win, but we are not sad! We will try harder! As to conclude our day we had Candlelight, where we discussed all our feelings and emotions, it was so cozy.

I like each day here and would like to come back next year to my favorite and lovely knights Alyona and Neks!

Ekaterina Nikitina, 12 years old, Moscow


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