Story about being a helper |

Story about being a helper

Hi, everyone! 
I would like to tell you a little story about “being a helper”. First of all I want to say that it is really interesting and breathtaking, It’s my 5th time here in MMC and during my previous sessions, I wanted to be helper too. You know, I’m really glad to be helper, every day our helpers team are given interesting tasks. For example we create podvodki every morning and every performance. To be a helper is difficult but it doesn’t ruin our timetable. 
Today was self-management day, and I was a counselor of the Blue carriage, it was easier then I thought. The guys are really cool and helpful.
We had a basketball tournament and red team took the first place. Blue team took the second place but we tried really hard. Also we created a great dance with girls and boys, and at the basketball event we showed it and the dance was pretty good. 
During the evening quiz my team took the first place, we’ve got the same amount of points with the read team. It was really interesting!
After trying to be a Counselor, I want to take this position in the future. 
It’s important to say that this session I live in the best room — Rostov. I want to say “HELLO” to all Rostov room! 
I love this camp and I want to spend every year here. 

Voff43k (Vova Aleshin), Red Carriage


1 комментарий к “Story about being a helper”

  1. Привет ММЦ у Вас хорошая Погода и радостные и счастливые глаза всех участников программы светятся как солнышко! Женька привет! Смотрим фотографии , тебя легко найти по цвету волос ! Удачи в познании разговорного английского! Любим тво мы!😀

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