Spooky dances |

Spooky dances

Hello, my name is Kolya. I’m twelve years old and today I want to tell about our day. In the morning we wake up at 8 o’clock, we brushed our teeth, put on our clothes, cleaned our rooms and then had our morning warm up.

After breakfast we had apartment time, we learned worse, saying and tongue twister of the day.

Then we had our lessons. During the sport lesson we played basketball. In English we met our teacher, introduced ourselves and also we played some games. I also liked workshop, we made halloween pins.

During the next apartment time we were thinking about our name and motto, now we are “Scary pumpkins”!

Also today we had to prepare dance for the evening. We used the song ghostbusters, it was really cool. Also we had a disco and we danced a lot.

I really liked the day and I think that this session will be cool. We will help SkelePaul and we really want to win the session. 

Kolya Gladkih, 12 y.o., Kostroma


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