Shadow theatre |

Shadow theatre

Today we had very busy day, because we had exams. As for me it was very easy (I did KET) and I hope that I passed it with a good result. Also we had unusual schedule in the first part of the day, that’s why we didn’t have some lessons. Читать далее….

I met a lot of awesome people here. I live in the room with really cool boys, after these days we became real friends. With my roommates we played a lot of board games, I like it very much.
Also for our evening event we had to prepare our own performance but we could use only our shadows. It was really interesting and all of the teams prepared really great performances. I had three roles today, I was a plane, mountain and a half of the heart. We got the first place! So we are really happy.

Today we had our last candlelight, I was very upset because very soon I’ll go home. But then I remembered that we will have teatime with Richard and dinner with Neks playing saxophone. (Because yesterday we had special game and after that we had auction, so we decided to choose these lots).

During this session we had really good weather. We swam in the swimming pool, spent a lot of time outside. I really like this camp and I believe that our next days will be very great.

Тимофей Подлесских, 14 лет, г.Москва


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