Scamming Monkeys 🐒 |

Scamming Monkeys 🐒

Hi everyone! My name is Vasilisa and I’m from the blue squad. Yesterday we started our day as usual. We had warming up, squad time, breakfast, and other morning tasks. During the morning confluence meeting Red Lightning (organizer Egor) told us that we needed to make a performance about how our team became superheroes. (The day before yesterday all teams created their superheroes names and mottos.) Our team is called Scamming Monkeys 🐒. 

The task was exiting and worrying because at first, I had no idea about the performance, but than during the squad time we had many interesting ideas and figured out our plot. And on nap time we made the script.

Some parts of our script were funny because we included some well-known teenage memes. I thought it would be great!

During the stations at option our team was making stuff for the performance. We made cardboard bananas, crown, box for bananas.

Before the show I was really nervous because of my fear of the stage. But everything was perfect, and, in my opinion, we made a good show. We took the second place and I’m quite pleased with it!

Vasilisa Bochniuk, 14, Moscow


Hello. My name is Ilia, and this is my second year in MMC. During the academic year I worked as a teacher of English and German in one of the schools in Kostroma. This was my first experience working in a state school and I enjoyed it for the most part. School is official and I don’t have much time to really talk to my students and do something together. Here, in MMC, it is completely different. Here I spend the whole day with my team working on our performances, playing sport games, debating on various topics during our squad times, and simply enjoying the time I spend with the people around me. 

Currently am a counsellor for the Blue Squad. Our children have a golden opportunity to learn English naturally outside their classrooms (and outside the box) with the help of native speakers. It removes the common fear pertaining to almost all language learners, the fear of speaking. And speaking being the main language skill is difficult to practice when we use it only during our English classes at school. What I see and like, is that our campers are eager to learn English. They use it every time they have a chance. Action dissolves fear that’s why our campers are always on the move. With the support of their teammates, counselors and teachers, campers become fluent. And they show their fluency on stage during our performances!

Everything they have learnt during the past days converge to create this special and creative atmosphere of MMC which brings so many people together. By combining our imagination, artistry skills, and English we presented our name “Scamming Monkeys” as a task for our performance. They come up with their own ideas and suggestions, included a lot of popular internet memes connected to our team name into the script. So far we have been doing great and I hope we will keep the pace till the end of the session.      

Илья Юдин


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