Party time |

Party time

Hello, my name is Polina, I’m 11 years old. It’s my sixth time in MMC! I’m the member of the yellow power, I like it!
Yesterday we woke up, went to our warm up with sport instructor Stas and then we had very yummy breakfast. Then we had power time where we learnt word of the day, saying of the day and tongue twister of the day! After that we chose Leders of the day they were my best friends Varya and Lisa. During call of Zamballa we said name of our yellow power “Starlight” and our amazing motto! Then we had lessons as usual, first lesson was English where we discussed holidays. Then we had power time and we did team building games and found the fastest one from our team. On workshop lessons we made very excellent notebooks and the last lesson was Sport. It was our day and now I’d like to tell you about our evening.
Girls and I made African make up, we dressed black and white clothes and wore African masks to went to the African disco! I liked it very much, we had funny songs, Lyrics songs. Then we ate our evening snack and went to prepare for the night.
MMC is my second family because here I know and love every person! It isn’t boring camp! We have a lot of activities every day, for example, performances, Guess the melody, sport festival so you don’t need to use your telephone to have fun!
I can also improve my English here because there are a lot of native speakers. And we also have a mail box, so we can keep in touch with other powers. I will return here one more time!

Zakharenko Polina, Yellow power


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