Our wonderful adventure in the medieval forest |

Our wonderful adventure in the medieval forest

Hello!:) My name is Nastya and I’m 13 years old. Today was my FAVORITE day! Forest Camp!!! I waited it all our session. Читать далее…

We woke up at 7:40. It’s earlier than we wake up always. Then we had breakfast and all our camp went to the train. Children and counselors sang different songs and played games. After our stop we went to the Сосновый Посад. There our team (The House of Blue Flame’s Keepers) had lessons. Firstly House Time, then Forge, third lesson was Capture the Flag and the last was Sport. Everyone our activity was very interesting and unusual. Forest Camp has a lot of energy and new ideas games to entertain us. There was also a BBQ! In addition to that all of the teams had a Football Tournament. Guys played football and others rooted for their teams. Afterwards our gladiator Misha provided a choice to us. We could choose either go on foot to MMC or go to the train. I went on my foot and it was very cool! Because I saw beautiful nature and had fun with other guys. In MMC we had a surprise from our counselors: they were going to the swimming pool with us, it was so funny! After that all of us went to the Country Meeting. There gladiators Misha and Egor said us places of football tournament. Our team and Yellow team ranked third place, Green Team on the second place and Red Team won. After that we had a snack and went to bed.

I really like this day and l will remember it forever as well as each day in our lovely MMC!

Nastya Bespalova, Kostroma, 13 y.o.


Hello, my name is Katie I am 22 years old and this is my third year in a row at MMC, from that alone I think you can tell how much I love it here. I’m studying Russian at Queen Mary University of London. It’s a four-year degree and I have just finished my third year, which involved living in Russia for a full year. I spent the first semester at the Higher school of economics in Moscow, and the second semester at the Institute for Social and Humanitarian knowledge in Kazan. It was a really spectacular year especially since it started with a summer in MMC and ended with one too, not to mention my brief trip here during Pumpkin weekend. I’m not very sure what I want to do after graduation, but I hope it involves a lot of Russian.

This is my first session this year and I have been partnered with the lovely Lera. She is simply brilliant and so easy to work with I think we make a great team. It’s also amazing because she was a participant in MMC not so long ago so she can really relater to the kids and make our teams relationship stronger. We are in charge of Green team otherwise known as ‘The house of witches’. Me and Lera try to make group times as fun as possible at all times, but discipline is important to us in our group. We have a great group of kids and we get really well together we just really need to improve our ability of listening to each other. But I’m confident we’ll get there soon! Of course, a big goal of ours is to win this session, but failing that I hope we become a really solid team that can rely on each other for whatever we need.

I couldn’t be happier to be here and I’m really looking forward to watching my team’s progression.

The Knight of the Green House Katie Chaplin


3 комментария к “Our wonderful adventure in the medieval forest”

  1. Екатерина

    Спасибо вам большое за чудесные фотографии!!! Очень прикольно, что они репортажные и передают атмосферу лагеря! Молодцы!!!

  2. Привет, наш родной ММЦ!
    Какой насыщенный и интересный Forest camp получился! Вчера во время прямой линии с Иваном (:о))) мы слушали, как он взахлёб рассказывал, как вы интересно провели время в лесу и особенно, про обратный путь, когда на выбор были предоставлены варианты пешей прогулки до лагеря или проезда электричкой. Ванюшка рассказал, что выбрав первый вариант, он буквально валился с ног от усталости, но не пожалел, т.к. это было настоящее испытание по пересечённой местности! Вы после таких активностей ещё и бассейн успели освоить в этой смене! БРАВО!! Пусть погода вас балует своим теплом, а все дожди обходят стороной вашу замечательную локацию!

  3. Добрый день, дорогие родители!
    Спасибо, что всегда с нами!
    Погда не очень нас пока балует, но а мы не очень и расстраиваемся! В такой команде взрослых и детей скучать не приходится!)

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