Our great dance! |

Our great dance!

Hi, my name is Anna-Maria Mayorova. I spending time in MMC and it’s already my second time here.Today was very exciting,we had the Starteen Performance and everyone was preparing their dance specific dance.We performed a dark ritual dance,which I came to think about was scary and funny at the same time.Our time at this camp is slowly but surely coming to an end, and it’s sad to see this occurring,but there will be a lot things that I’ll remember being here.

There are a lot of different things that I enjoyed here for example Rock climbing, English lessons and not to mention Craft work was something I really enjoyed. In craft in work we got to created our own bracelets, rain sticks, plastacines and necklaces which was so interesting for me. Me and a couple of new friends I’ve met spending time here, always like to joke around and have fun.I really hope to see them again next year.

Anna-Maria Mayorova, red power, 10 years old, Yaroslavl.


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