Only positive emotions |

Only positive emotions

It’s our 2nd day in MMC. Today we’ve had lots of interesting and memorable activities. The theme of the day was theatre. And of course there was the word of the day and the saying of the day. Читать далее…
In the early morning we did really energetic warm-up. Then we were divided into groups and had English lessons. After that we had an amazing workshop and we made big dragon’s eggs which look very realistic! Then, after a short nap time we played a really exciting game called floorball. Everyone had fantastic time. Then we started preparing an incredible shadow theatre. There were 3 groups that made a great performance.
In the evening we were divided again and had very emotional candlelight with our counselors.

It was the last our activity and after the evening routine we all were very stressed out and easily fall asleep. The day was extremely cool and I suppose all of us enjoyed the time.
Darya Vlasova, 14 y.o., Sergiev Posad


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