One amusing day of Halloween. |

One amusing day of Halloween.

I’am Evgenii Tihomirov and I want to tell you about one day of my life in MMC.

I immediately wake up refreshed and went to the worm-up, after that I went for breakfast. Then we had some lessons, as workshop(there we do cool things with our own hands), sport and English. At the sport lesson we were playing floor-ball, for me it was easy, because I’ve been playing hockey for 5 years now.

After all activities our squad had an accommodation time. We had a task to put on our own performance on the theme of Halloween, which must be connected with sacrificing. I played the role of a counselor and half of our performance I tried to improvise. To be honest, I feel a little embarrassed, but the performance in whole was quite funny!

This is my first session in this camp. I think that it’s fun here and my leisure time is very diverse, we are always doing something new. I want to say thank you for my hosts(counslers) for their attention and patience. Also at the end I want to wish the camp good visitors and good luck in the future!

Evgenii Tihomirov, 10 years, yellow squad


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