“My horoscope was true” |

“My horoscope was true”

Hello! My name is Uliana. I am 12 years old. I am from Moscow.It’s my first time in МMC. I don’t want to leave this camp, because it’s very funny here. There are a lot of activities. We learn English, communicate, play on the stage, swim.
My favourite lesson is English. I like English very much! My teacher is Mika, she is a foreigner. We understand her, she understands us. During lessons we have preparations to the final test. Here I also really like workshop. On this lesson we make something with our hands and our projects are cool. We will take all the projects to home. We can also visit workshop during stations at option in the second part of the day and create something new.

When it’s sunny we swim in the swimming pool. Today was the day we went to the swimming pool. On squad time we work in our team. We make a lot of interesting things! Today it was a day of ZODIAC signs. During game about Zodiac signs we needed to catch the apple from the bucket, and then we said the saying of the day. It was really funny. We passed a lot of interesting tasks as one team. We did good! I love everything here.

Паршина Ульяна , 12 лет, г. Москва


Hello everyone!
My name is Victor and I’m the coach of the Green Squad also known as -«Super Duper Cucumbers».I’m from Africa, Nambia and the kids seem to be interested in this fact. We communicate in English during all the activities of the day, from morning till night.
This is my first official year as a Councelor in the MMC camp, and I can say that it’s an exhilarating experience working with my group and getting to know them on a personal stand point. Me being an Undergraduate Pharmacy student and a Musician is a helpful skill that assist me in my job. In some of our classes, I help them create songs, teach them English expressions, adjectives etc. And I must say that these kids are very quick learners. They are eager to know more and to be themselves without any hesitation.
The boys and girls work together together all the time! When we had our Soccer Tournament, the girls designed Posters and prepared some chants to support the boys who were playing Soccer Today. It’s an amazing feeling to see how they get better each and every day.

I am truly hounered to be a apart of this experience.
Stay tuned!

Victor Michael II Mokaleng, Coach of Green Team



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