House of Queen Bees |

House of Queen Bees

Вам пишет Тимофей Рыжов из The House of Queen Bees. Yesterday было Trial of Fine Arts. Мы получили много emotions от подготовки к evening фильму. Каждый попробовал показать себя в film industry. Читать далее…

Это было очень cool! Создание нашего film началось с написания script, который мы выбрали путём голосования. Сценарий моего друга Арсения Альмяшева won. Мы снимали в жанре drama и при этом использовали фразу «There is no strength without unity». С самого morning мы начали to shoot наш film. Мы подобрали costumes, написали dialogs и выбрали locations. In the evening мы представляли наши films. Наша Queensland Drama собрала большое количество applause и Queen нас похвалила. Films всех Houses получились very interesting и все были довольны.
Хочу сказать thank you всем ребятам, которые приняли участие в our фильм и нашим knights Владе and William.
Тимофей Рыжов, 12 лет, Москва


Another grand day in our glorious Queensland has elapsed. And what a wonderful day it was! The main event of today was the Trial of Fine Arts — a competition which demaned considerable skill and effort, for it were not ordinary performances our beloved ladies and lords had to create, but entire films. And so for the whole day the streets and corners of Queensland transformed into a cluster of various film sets, with clatter and chatter and commotion everywhere at once. With such commitment and amount of time spent on creating the films, we knew the evening presentation was bound to be fabulous.

And it surely was. Even the meeting before the ceremony was a great sight, with every participant dressed in finest clothes walking along the red carpet. And it only got better once everyone took their places in the Keep and the show itself began. One after another, the results of hard work were presented, and each was greeted by cheers and applauds — all honestly earned. The variety was vast — drama, detective, horror and comedy films kept us all focused and prepared for the next portion of artistry and creativity.

In between the movies we also had live performances — ladies from the noble House of Golden Lions with a majestic song-and-dance piece, and an enchanting guitar piece of a lady hailing from the House of Red Hot Pepper Phoenix. They all contributed greatly to the atmosphere of the event, and their performances were justly appreciated.

During the last (but by far ‘not the least’) evening meeting the houses received their well-earned awards — including the prizes for the Best Plot and the Best Actor. The emotional reaction was very potent, as if the process of creating these masterpieces had strengthened the bonds within the Houses even more.

Another grand day in our glorious Queensland has elapsed — and we know that there are many more ahead!

Sire Artem the Noble


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