An Italian paradise! |

An Italian paradise!

Hello, everyone!

My name is Polina! I’m from yellow squad. Today was a perfect day because we won again. Every day we have a lot of activities, for example, Workshop, Sport, English, squad times and so on. On workshop lesson we did bracelets, it was very cool. I’ve chosen my favorite colours for it and the result was good. In the morning for breakfast we had pancakes. I like them very much! Today we had a Disco and dance festival.

We prepared a lot for this evening events. We created an Italian dance with our coaches, dressed up our beautiful dresses and skirts. Of course all the girls from our squad were wearing bright disco make up. Every girl had a flower in her head. Our dance was amazing and we also had very bright costumes. But I was nervous a little bit because I was scared to forget our movements which we learnt. I like them very much! They were very tasty. Our evening was the greatest, I think, and I lived this day very much. Goodbye and have a nice day!

Полина Масленникова, 11 лет, Домодедово


Good morning dear parents and friends! My name is Tanya and I am a coach of yellow squad! During four days we are traveling through our galaxes together with the superheroes in order to fight with the evil spirits. Every day unforgettable journeys waits for our kids, where they need to earn mana to be best of the best. 
Our squad, Golden Spirits, try to be the first in all competitions. And children try really hard every day, they have a great motivation to win. From the beginning our team wins the first places in the performances. 
In the yellow team there are children from 10-12 years old. They are very active, energetic, have a great imagination and amazing ideas. The children try always to speak English even if it’s difficult for them, they use other words or sometimes gestures. Everyone tries to be helpful and supportive in our team and it helps us to build our team spirit. 
The Yellow Squad does much effort every day to achieve its goals. Today we can see that we are a friendly team, which can solve any problem together. Teambuilding and the whole atmosphere of the team are very important for us and especially the success of each member of the squad. 
Today there was a dance festival where we had to prepare a common dance. We decided to make a small performance in the Italian café. All boys and girls were in great costumes. You could feel Italian atmosphere when you saw this dance. Everyone tried hard to make it look really great. And as the result we got the first place. The kids were so happy and excited. The day was definitely busy; the children have learnt a lot today during English, Workshop and Sport. And all of this you can see in our photo gallery or Instagram because it’s worth to watch it!
Coach of The Yellow Squad 
Tanya Krasnopolskaya


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