A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body |

A Healthy Mind in A Healthy Body

Hi! My name is Egor, I’m 13. I’d like to share my experience in MMC with you. It’s my first time here and I’ve already participated in lots of interesting events.
Yesterday was a sport day. The main word of this day was Stamina wich is translated as “Выносливость”. And this word is connected with sport. In the evening we had an interesting and funny warm up. Girls did squats and boys pull-ups. Then we had very tasty breakfast. And then the interesting part has started. First of all was Workshop. There we were doing a mandala, it was great. The second lesson was English where we had test preparation. During sport lesson we played football, but I don’t like it very much. Then was Power time with team building games.

After was lunch and Nap time. During Nap time we stay in our rooms or can watch a movie. I was watching “The Maze Runner”. During stations at option I was preparing for our test. In the evening we had a Sport Festival, it was a competition between 4 teams. All of us did their best. Our green power got third place. So our interesting day ended. All teams went to their rooms and fell asleep. I don’t know what we’re gonna do tomorrow, but I’m sure it will be a very cool day.

Efimov Egor, Green power



Good afternoon!
Меня зовут Вероника Никитина, и я chief of green power.
С самого начала смены, как только я увидела наших детей то сразу поняла, что они очень интересные, очень активные и любознательные. Это очень помогает им при участие в performances и на lessons. Каждый открывает в себе что-то новое, когда участвует в играх на team building, взаимодействует со своими teammates.

С каждым днём я испытываю гордость, когда вижу, как они не бояться коммуницировать на английском языке, помогают нам, познают что-то новое и с большим энтузиазмом предлагают свои идеи! С самого начала смены ребята стали очень дружны, они стараются уважать друг друга и поддерживать, что они доказали вчера на спортивном мероприятии. Надеюсь, что эта смена запомниться ребятам надолго, и они с удовольствием приедут в ММЦ ещё не один раз!

Вероника Никитина, chief of the Green power



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